The Springvale City Soccer Club (SCSC) together with No Limits Aquila Academy (NLAA) is a community based club that aims to provide an outstanding football experience for any person regardless of gender, age, ability, race, religion and sexuality. We offer a safe, high quality and supported environment at all levels from ages 5 to seniors, both male and female. The club’s aim is to maximize players’ football development and enjoyment.
The Springvale City Soccer Club is run by a group of dedicated volunteers whose mission is to provide the best possible football experience to our members. We aim to evenly spread the administrative tasks across our club community.
We aspire to give all our players access to the best possible coaching and maximize their chances to achieve their full football potential. We aim to strike the right balance between coaching costs and player fees.
- The club will endeavour to find places in suitable teams for all returning players and, where possible, new players.
- Returning players will be given priority in new season squads pending registering their interest before the date nominated.
- Following the end of the registration of interest period for returning players, open places will be filled on a first come first served basis.
- The club wishes to field balanced teams. This is to ensure that players have an opportunity to maximum their game time and that teams are not playing short in the event of injury or unavailability of players. At times it may be necessary for the club to cap the number of players allocated to teams.
- There is an expectation that once allocated a team that all players maximise their attendance at and are punctual for designated training sessions and matches.
- Wherever possible it is expected that parents, guardians and/or players contribute to the tasks involved in the successful running of the team and club.
- There is an expectation that all levels of the club become familiar with and follow the relevant Codes of Conduct. In particular the club strongly emphasises cooperation with and respect for our players, opponents, match and club officials. The committee will deal with serious Code of Conduct breaches.
The SCSC/NLAA’s selection policy is based on providing the most enjoyable playing and social experience for all players at a level appropriate to their skills, and within the context of the competitions in which teams participate.
Selection is always conducted with due regard to the overarching principles of equity, personal development, respect and team viability. Ideally all players play at an appropriate standard and are given the opportunity to play in the highest grade possible for their skill level, e.g., a team where they are most likely to use all their skills.
In order to accurately assess a players capabilities the club may wish to run trial sessions attended by a Selection Panel (see below) so a player can be put into the most appropriate team, should multiple teams be available for their age group.
The aim is for most players to play in their own age group but occasionally circumstances may make it more appropriate for a player to play out of their age group. Where playing out of age group is a consideration, the Age Group Sub-Committee will make the final decision after consultation with the Selection Panel, player/s, parent/s and coach(es).
- Players may be asked from time to time to fill in for other teams for a variety of reasons such as injury or unavailability of players. This process will be managed through cooperation between relevant coaches and age group coordinator, avoiding being to the detriment to either team or the player.
- In circumstances when the club has more than one team in an age group, generally it is preferred that the more advanced players play in the higher graded team. This applies particularly in the higher age groups.
- In addition to selection process, consideration will be given to friendship groupings and car pooling (where relevant).
A Selection Panel may be formed for each age group consisting of the age group coaches and other senior members of the club. The Panel will be looking for physical attributes such as speed, strength, agility, endurance, power and flexibility. Skill attributes such as technique, tactical awareness, potential, coachability, positional qualities and specialist skills are also considered.
The Selection Panel will take into consideration:
- Previous form (e.g. last year for those who played at SCSC/NLAA)
- Attendance and performance at training
- Performance in selection trials (where required)
Players will be allocated into teams and advised in February of pre-season training details.
OBJECTIONS: If children or parent have any objections to the outcome of the selection process, then please feel free to discuss with the relevant Age Group Coordinator who will forward their concerns back to the Selection Panel and Sub-Committee for final decision.
It is important for players and parents to remember that occasionally there are difficulties with the selection process for both players and officials. Our aim with this policy and the Selection Trials is to be as objective and transparent as possible. The club is aware that at times player/ parental goals and subjective assessment of abilities may be in conflict with the assessment of the panel. The club will endeavour to deliver its deliberations through positive and constructive communication.
- Play by the Rules.
- Do not argue with the match official. If you disagree, have your captain or coach approach the match official during a break in play or after the match is concluded.
- Control your temper. Verbal abuse of officials or other players, deliberately distracting or provoking another person is not acceptable or permitted in any sport.
- Not engage in acts of discrimination, harassment, or abuse towards any person, including: The use of obscene or offensive language and/or gestures; and/or the incitement of hatred or violence.
- Maintain your focus and work hard for yourself and your team.
- Be a good sport and be prepared to acknowledge good play whether it is from your team or the opposition.
- Treat all players as you would like to be treated. Do not interfere with, bully or take unfair advantage of another player.
- Cooperate with your coach, teammates and opponents. Without them, there would be no competition.
- Play for your own enjoyment, and not just to please parents and coaches.
- Remove all jewellery prior to training and match play, as it is a hazard to you and those around you.
- **Do not accept or use any banned or unauthorised drug(s), including the consumption of alcohol at any time.
- Remember that children play sport for their enjoyment, and not yours.
- Encourage all children to participate, do not force them.
- Focus on the child’s efforts and performance rather than the result of the activity (that is, winning or losing).
- Encourage children to always participate according to the rules.
- Never ridicule, yell at a child for making a mistake or losing a game.
- Remember that children learn best by example, so applaud good play by both teams.
- Support all efforts to remove racial and religious vilification, verbal and physical abuse from sporting activities.
- Respect the match official’s decisions and teach your child to do likewise.
- Show respect and appreciation to Club volunteers, including coaches, officials and administrators. Ensure any issues are raised through the correct channels either via the team manager, the Club’s Coaching Coordinator or President of SCSC
- Not engage in acts of discrimination, harassment, or abuse towards any person, including: The use of obscene or offensive language and/or gestures; and/or the incitement of hatred or violence.
- **Do not smoke or consume alcohol near the team bench (Technical Area) or sideline.
- If a parent causes the FFV to hand the SCSC a monetary fine due to poor behaviour, this fine will be passed on to the parent and become their liability to pay.
- Not engage in acts of discrimination, harassment, or abuse towards any person, including: The use of obscene or offensive language and/or gestures; and/or the incitement of hatred or violence.
- If your child is having an issue set up time to talk with the team manager and coach away from other parents and players…don’t bring up other players during the talk. It is not your business to talk about other players. A parent talking about other players on the team only leads to issues.
Refrain from having conversations with coaches and team managers, about their child’s playing time or any other issues (unless it’s an emergency) on “game day”. Emotions are too high during game time and these issues can be handled much more effectively at a different time. - Let the coach, coach! Yelling instructions, even if meant well, can confuse and frustrate players. It is distracting and counterproductive for the players and team. (i.e. yelling “shoot”, “pass”, “get wide”, “dribble” etc.) This will only serve to slow down the development of each player’s decision-making process, distract them from the task at hand, and reduce their enjoyment of playing the game. Your vocal support and positive encouragement are welcome! This will help to boost our team’s confidence and determination.
- Refrain from any disorderly conduct or conduct that may injure the reputation and goodwill of the club and the code of football generally.
- Fines to the Club resulting from inappropriate behaviour by a parent/guardian or spectator will be deemed to be the sole responsibility of the perpetrator(s) and those responsible for the fine being imposed on the Club will be RESPONSIBLE for the payment of that fine.
Quality coaching of our youngsters is the vital ingredient in excelling in the sport, and in life. Through team sport they can learn about discipline, teamwork, listening, good behaviour, and sportsmanship with a priority on enjoyment.
Within this context we strongly support team improvement and player development aiming for each player to become the best team player and footballer they can be, whilst advancing the progress of our teams.
The Club supports and finances suitable ongoing training through FFV for all coaches and will strive to recruit coaches with suitable experience. We have coaches that are current senior players, ex senior players, professionals and even parents with a technical understanding of the game. In addition, where feasible, the club provides extra, specialized skills based coaching sessions.
The NLAA also has a strong link between the Senior Women’s and Junior Girls teams. Recently the Women’s teams have hosted Women/Girls Gala Days, thereby providing strong female role models for juniors and encouraging mentoring from our seniors.
- Remember that players participate for the fun of it and that winning is not everything;
- Never ridicule or yell at a player for making a mistake or being in a losing team;
- Be reasonable in your demands on younger players time, energy and enthusiasm,
- Teach your players to abide by the Rules and Laws of the Game;
- Play by the Rules.
- Do not argue with the match official. If you disagree, have your Team Manager approach the match official during a break in play or after the match is concluded.
- Control your temper. Verbal abuse of officials or other players, deliberately distracting or provoking another person is not acceptable or permitted in any sport.
- Maintain your focus and work hard for yourself and your team.
- Be a good sport and be prepared to acknowledge good play whether it is from your team or the opposition.
- Whenever possible, alternate the group of players to ensure everyone has a reasonable chance of success;
- Avoid overplaying the talented players as all players deserve equal time on the playing field;
- Ensure that equipment and facilities meet a reasonable safety standard and are appropriate to the age and ability of the players;
- Modify your approach to suit the skill levels and needs of players;
- Develop and enhance respect between players, opposition coaches and the decisions of the match official;
- Follow the advice of a physician when determining the extent of a player’s injury and beyond that, when players are returning from injury to training and match play;
- Keep up to date with the latest coaching practices (refer to Coach Accreditation Criteria);
SCSC/NLAA adheres to FFA Concussion Guidelines.
The SCSC recognises that passive smoking is hazardous to health and those non-smoking club members and visitors have the right to be protected from exposure to tobacco smoke.
Accordingly, the following policy shall apply to all club facilities, functions, meetings and activities undertaken by the club and will apply to all members, officials, players and club visitors.
All club facilities are to be completely smoke free and shall include:
The social rooms inclusive of bar, kitchen, meeting room, toilets and storage area
Player change rooms inclusive of warm up area, toilets and showers, medical room and property room.
Cigarettes will not be sold (including vending machines) at any time at or by the club
Players, Officials & Coaches
Coaches, players, trainers, volunteers and officials will refrain from smoking and remain smoke free while involved in an official capacity for the club, on and off the field.
All club functions including social and fund raising events and meetings are to be completely smoke free:
- Ashtrays will be removed from all club facilities.
- Cigarette butt bins will be provided at outdoor locations for smokers to dispose of cigarette butts before entering/ re-entering smoke free areas at club facilities
- Smokers leaving the designated licensed area of the clubs social rooms will not be permitted to take alcohol from that area.
All club functions held away from the club facilities are to be completely smoke free and shall require an assurance from the venue management of compliance with the club policy before a booking is confirmed by:
- Removing all ashtrays from venue where function is to be held
- Enforcing a smoke free policy during the function
Not selling cigarettes (including vending machines) at any time during the function. - Invitations and advertising for all functions, meetings and events will be promoted as smoke free.
All club committee members will enforce the smoke free policy and any non-compliance will be handled according to the following process:
Explanation of the club policy to the person/people concerned, including identification of the areas in which smoking is permitted
Continued non-compliance with the policy should be handled by at least two committee members who will use their discretion as to the action taken, which may include asking the person/ people to leave the club facilities or function.
Policy Promotion
The club will promote the smoke free policy regularly by:
Putting a copy of the policy in club newsletters, notice boards, website and printed member/player information
Displaying a copy of the policy in the club social rooms
Periodic announcements to members at functions.
The club recognises the importance of educating club members, particularly players, of the benefits of implementing a smoke free policy and will endeavour to provide information to assist this process.
The club will actively participate in the Australian Drug Foundation’s Good Sports program with an ongoing priority to achieve Level 3 accreditation.
Policy Review
This policy will be reviewed annually to ensure it remains relevant to club operations and reflects both community expectations and legal requirements.
The SCSC recognises that passive smoking is hazardous to health and those non-smoking club members and visitors have the right to be protected from exposure to tobacco smoke.
Accordingly, the following policy shall apply to all club facilities, functions, meetings and activities undertaken by the club and will apply to all members, officials, players and club visitors.
All club facilities are to be completely smoke free and shall include:
The social rooms inclusive of bar, kitchen, meeting room, toilets and storage area
Player change rooms inclusive of warm up area, toilets and showers, medical room and property room.
Cigarettes will not be sold (including vending machines) at any time at or by the club
Players, Officials & Coaches
Coaches, players, trainers, volunteers and officials will refrain from smoking and remain smoke free while involved in an official capacity for the club, on and off the field.
All club functions including social and fund raising events and meetings are to be completely smoke free:
- Ashtrays will be removed from all club facilities.
- Cigarette butt bins will be provided at outdoor locations for smokers to dispose of cigarette butts before entering/ re-entering smoke free areas at club facilities
- Smokers leaving the designated licensed area of the clubs social rooms will not be permitted to take alcohol from that area.
All club functions held away from the club facilities are to be completely smoke free and shall require an assurance from the venue management of compliance with the club policy before a booking is confirmed by:
- Removing all ashtrays from venue where function is to be held
- Enforcing a smoke free policy during the function
Not selling cigarettes (including vending machines) at any time during the function. - Invitations and advertising for all functions, meetings and events will be promoted as smoke free.
All club committee members will enforce the smoke free policy and any non-compliance will be handled according to the following process:
Explanation of the club policy to the person/people concerned, including identification of the areas in which smoking is permitted
Continued non-compliance with the policy should be handled by at least two committee members who will use their discretion as to the action taken, which may include asking the person/ people to leave the club facilities or function.
Policy Promotion
The club will promote the smoke free policy regularly by:
Putting a copy of the policy in club newsletters, notice boards, website and printed member/player information
Displaying a copy of the policy in the club social rooms
Periodic announcements to members at functions.
The club recognises the importance of educating club members, particularly players, of the benefits of implementing a smoke free policy and will endeavour to provide information to assist this process.
The club will actively participate in the Australian Drug Foundation’s Good Sports program with an ongoing priority to achieve Level 3 accreditation.
Policy Review
This policy will be reviewed annually to ensure it remains relevant to club operations and reflects both community expectations and legal requirements.
Bullying will not be tolerated by SCSC/NLAA in any form.
working with children
The club will ensure that officials, including coaches will under go the Working With Children Check consistent with FFV policies.
The aim of the juniors is to provide high quality community orientated junior soccer. Broadly speaking the club will aim to:
- Provide fair and equal access and participation for all player regardless of their skills or abilities
- Operate in a way that encourages family and community involvement
- Promote fair play and respect for all involved
The club takes seriously, any act that brings the club or the sport into disrepute. The discipline committee will consider sanctions on players, coaches or members and associates of the club who breach the codes of conduct listed on this website. The club refers all red cards, discipline and severe reprimand cases when they are received from the FFV to the club’s discipline sub-committee. Additional sanctions or conditions may be placed on players, coaches, members or associates than those imposed by the FFV if the club considers there is sufficient reason. This will ensure that the best possible conditions are available for our players to pursue their interest in the sport without fear of poor behaviour from anyone within the club.